Do not short any battery box or power supply.
Use the component holder to connect the small electronic components.
Set R at maximum before connecting the Potentiometer, Rheostat, Resistance Box in the circuit.
Turn off the multimeter by setting the selector in any range but NOT in Ohm-Scale after used.
Do not change the range of the multimeter when it is being connected.
Do not touch any optical part ( e.g. the grating, the slit slide, & the lens etc.) of the optical instrument.
Be careful and don't make any scratch on the optical instrument. Remember to pack it up after use.
Do not strike the pins on the wooden board. Fix the pins by pressing it with your finger only.
Set the amplitude of the signal generator at zero output before switching it on/off.
Let the CRO on all the time until the end of the experiment. (When it is not in use temporary, just turn down its intensity.
Turn the amplitude of Signal Generator to zero when not in use.
Check the amplitude of Signal Generator setting at zero position whenever you turn on or off the signal generator.
go to " Precaution "¡@
A measurement can never be assumed to be one hundred percent correct. No matter how careful it is taken, there is always some uncertainty about it. An error is a measure of the degree of uncertainty of a measurement. It is not to be confused with a mistake which arises from the use of an incorrect method or procedure.
Errors in a particular experiment may be due to the limitations of the experimenter, the measuring instrument, or the method used. Experimental- errors are basically of two types: system and random.
It is important to be able to estimate the possible error in a measurement. Here we are mainly concerned with estimation of the maximum possible error and a simple case of random error.
Using a ruler the length of an
object is measured as 3.3 cm. At the very worst the
reading may be 3.2 or 3.4 cm. The maximum possible error
is then said to be +0.1cm, and the
length is written as (3.3 +O.1) cm. The percentage
error is or about 3%.
Using a vernier caliper calibrated to the nearest 0.01
cm, the length of the object may be read as (3.34 +
0.01) cm. The maximum possible error is +0.01
cm, and the percentage error is x
100% or 0.3%. The reading error of an instrument depends
on the accuracy with which it is calibrated.
In some experiments, errors may
arise when a setting is made. For exam- ple, in an optics
experiment, there is an uncertainty involved in deciding
when the image on the screen is the sharpest. This
uncertainty may be found by moving the
screen until the image is just blurred. Thus an
image distance may be recorded as (20.4 + 0.4) cm
if the image on the screen is just out of focus at 20.0
cm and also at 20.8 cm. This gives a percentage error of
x 100% or 2%.
Another example is the location of the balance point in a metre bridge or potentiometer experiment. The error is found by moving the jockey.-or slider until the galvanometer pointer is just deflected. Thus a balance length may be read as (55.7 + 0.6) cm if the galvanometer is just deflected at 55.1 cm and also at 56.3 .cm. This gives a percentage error of 1%.
Random errors are difficult to estimate and a sophisticated statistical method is required to do it properly. For a small number of readings (which is often the case with sixth form experiments) we may take the mean deviation as an estimate of the uncertainty in the mean. The following shows how the random error is estimated for a number of readings of the time for a trolley to move from rest down an inclined runway.
¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | ¡@ | Total |
Time/s | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.2 | 5.6 | 5.5 | 5.4 | 5.7 | 5.4 | 5.6 | 5.3 | 53.7 |
deviation from the mean/s | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.3 | 0 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 1.9 |
Mean time =
Mean deviation =
The mean deviation is taken as a measure of the uncertainty in the mean time.
Mean time = (5.4 + 0.2) s
Significant figures
A measurement quoted as 4.82 m implies that it lies somewhere between 4.815 m and 4.825 m. It is said to be given to 3 significant figures. A length measured as 4.8 m to 2 significant figures is less accurate and is taken to lie somewhere between 4.75 m and 4.85 mm. The number of significant figures to which a measurement is given implicitly indicates a certain order of accuracy.
Combining errors
The result of an experiment is usually calculated from an expression which contains a number of physical quantities that have been measured. The error in the result can be worked out from the errors in the various measurements. The following shows how this is done for some simple cases.
Two temperature readings are recorded, using a thermometer reading to the nearest 0.2oC, as (10.5 +0.2)oC and (21.3 + 0.2)oC. Percentage errors in the two readings are about 2% and 1% respectively.
When the two temperatures are added together, the result is (31.8 + 0.4)oC, which has an error of about 1%. When the two temperatures are subtracted, the errors in the two readings are added up, rather than sub- tracted from one another, since we are estimating the maximum possible error that may arise. Of course the two errors may cancel each other out, but we cannot take this for granted. The result is thus (10.8 + 0.4)oC which has an error of about 4%.
The radius r of a wire is measured as (0.52 + 0.01) mm, with an error of 1.9%. Cross-sectional area A of the wire is calculated by the formula:
A= pr2 = p(0.52)2 mm2 = 0.850 mm2
Therefore lies between p(0.53)2 mm2 and p(0.51)2mm 2 , i.e., between 0.882 mm2 and 0.817 mm2.
Hence we can write A as (0.850 + 0.033) mm2.
The error in A is 3.8% which is twice in r . This can, infact, be shown, using calculus as follows:
Error in A =d (pr2) = 2pr.dr
% error in A =
=2 x percentage error in r
In general, the percentage error in xn is equal to xn times the percentage error in x.
Using calculus, we can also work out the errors in products and quotients. Consider, for example, the formula for calculating the resistivity r of a metal wire of resistance R, diameter d and length l :
Taking logs of both sides of the formula,
log r = log R + log p + 2 log d - log 4 - logl
On differentiating, we have
Each term on the right side, when multiplied by 100, represents the percentage errors in R, d and l and hence the percentage error in r can easily be found. Since we consider maximum possible errors, the percentage error in l has to be added to, rather than subtracted from, the sum of percentage errors in R and d.
In determining the resistivity of a metal wire, the following measurements are made:
Resistance R of wire = 6.7 + 0.1 W (1.5 % error)
Diameter d of wire = 0.51 + 0.01 mm (2 % error)
Length l of wire = 2.56 + 0.01 m (0.4%)
Resistivity of the metal wire
=5.35 x 10 -7 Wm
% error in r
=% error in R + 2 x %error in d + %error in l
=(1.5 + 4 + 0.4 ) %
=5.9 %
5.9% of 5.4 x 10-7 W m is 0.32 x 10-7 W m.
As the error is 5.9%, it is obviously incorrect to give the result for r to 3 significant figures, since this implies an order of accuracy of 0.1%. The result should thus be given to 2 significant figures only, as
r = (5.4 + 0.3) X 10-7 W m
Improving the accuracy
In the above example, the length of the wire was measured to the nearest cm and this gives an error of 0.4%. Measdring the length to the nearest mm gives a much smaller percentrage error, 0.04%, but this would be pointless since this has to be added to the much larger percentage errors in R and d2. In doing any experiment, we should have some idea of the order of accuracy among the different quantities measured. We should concentrate our effort on trying to reduce the error of the readings which are most uncertain, instead of wasting time in improving the accuracy of those readings which are already quite accurate by comparison.
How could the accuracy of the resistivity in the example be improved? The diameter of the wire has the largest percentage error, but it is not easy to find . more accurate instrument than the micrometer screw gauge which measure to the nearest 0.01 mm. Using a greater length would help, since this increases the resistance value R and so reduces the percentage error in R (assuming the accuracy of the Wheatstone bridge for measuring R is unchanged).
Most experiments in physics require the drawing of graphs. Apart from providing an immediate visual picture of results and information, a graph can
(a) show how one variable quantity is related to another;
(b) be used to determine the constants in an equation relating two variable quantities;
(C) provide the best way of 'averaging' a set of readings.
These functions will be explained in detail later.