

    英文科為啟發學生興趣及提供生活化學習機會,特別於十二月十三日放學後與家政科合辦聯課活動「Learning English through Baking Cookies」。學生運用英文參與學習製作聖誕薑餅曲奇,然後與同學及師長分享,共渡了一個充實又充滿節日氣氛的黃昏。

    The English department aims to inspire students' interest and provide practical learning opportunities. On December 13, after school, we co-organized an extracurricular activity with the Home Economics department titled "Learning English through Baking Cookies." Students used English to learn how to make Christmas gingerbread cookies, which they then shared with classmates and teachers, enjoying a fulfilling evening filled with a festive atmosphere